All publications are only in Japanese language.
- News letter “DEAR News” (every two month)
- Journal “Development Education”(once a year)
Booklet series
- “ Development Education Q & A ” (1998)
- “ Tunagare Kaihatsu Kyoiku for partnership of school and community ” (2001)
- “ Development Education Key Words 51 ” (2002)
- “ Connect your classroom with the world: Catalog on Development Education. ”(2003)
- “ Learning for sustainable development. ”(2003)
- “ Handbook on practices of Development Education: to feel the world through participatory learning ”(2003)
- “ Learn from prctices in England – studytour in York ”(2005)
- “ Handbook of domestic operation for NGO staffs ”(2004)
- “ Re-thing about learning ”(2008)
- “ Future of D/E brought up from local community ”(2008)
Teaching Materials
- “ Let’s discuss more to make a peaceful society”(2003)
- “ What is a fair trade? Let’s think of the world trade from a cup of coffee”(1999)
- “ Let’s visit! World of various curry dishes”
- “ New Trading game-thinking of economic globalization”(2001)
- “ Story of Palm Oil- what is the global kind world” (2002)
- “ If the world were a village of 100 people ?workshop edition ”(2003)
- “ the otherside of coffee – trading makes poverty?”(2005)
- “ Poverty and Development – empowerment to affluence”(2005)
- “ a story of Palm oil – what is the true ecological lifestyle ”(2005)
- “ have a think before ‘AID’ – to understand participative learning and PLA ”(2006)
- “ The Luncer game – thinking of food globalization”(2007)
- “ Lifetime of Cell Phone – learn about relation between the world and us through the C/P”(2007)
- “ Workshop of learning from conflict – report and collection of activities”(2008)
Free Download
A Reflection and Self-assessment Handbook (2014)
This handbook has been created to assist those facilitating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Development Education to improve their practices through reflection and self-assessment of their own activities according to objectives outlined by ESD and Development Education. In order to realize a more sustainable society, we must fundamentally change structures that are making our society “unsustainable” . To this end, it is essential that we become aware of the core issues and their root causes that contribute to making our society unsustainable. We must also think of what an ideal society might be like, and become leaders, actively participating in an effort to foster a just and sustainable global community. It is the aim of ESD and Development Education to nurture such future leaders.

Current State and Future Prospects of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Japan
Current State and Future Prospects of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Japan
by Haruhiko Tanaka – Sophia University
in Educational Studies in Japan International Yearbook No.11 (2017)

Curriculum for Development Education and ESD
Curriculum for Development Education and ESD
by Jin Onuki
– Lecturer, Institute for International Development, Takushoku University

Design for a Curriculum and Learning
Design for a Curriculum and Learning that “Digs into the Local Community and Connects with the World”
by Yuji Yamanishi
– Professor of Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University